bloXroute releases Solana BDN

bloXroute Team
3 min readNov 1, 2022


bloXroute releases Solana Blockchain Distribution Network

bloXroute is pleased to announce the release of the Solana Blockchain Distribution Network (BDN). In November 2019 we launched the bloXroute BDN, a network of servers optimized for sending data fast on blockchains. For the past 3 years we have enabled support for the ETH, BNB, and Polygon blockchains, and today we release the bloXroute Solana BDN.

The Solana BDN offers reduced latency shred propagation, working alongside the existing Turbine protocol. Early testing shows an average of 100–200 milliseconds of latency improvement over public Solana RPC nodes, and 30–50ms improvement over local nodes running with Solana Geyser. The ability to trade faster by up to 200 milliseconds represents a significant edge for all Solana traders and opens a door for many lucrative trading strategies.

The bloXroute team has also suggested certain improvements to the Solana codebase itself. These suggestions aim to eliminate an ongoing bug that unnecessarily requires the Solana replay loop to wait ~100 milliseconds between the processing of shreds. With this fix, the Solana ecosystem as a whole will be able to process shreds as soon as they are available, resulting in speed improvement for every node in the network (even if not connected to the Solana BDN). Our CTO, Offer Markovich, believes that

“combining the knowledge of this replay loop fix with the specially made bloXroute BDN gateway is a super easy way to boost a strategy’s alpha. Soon one will not be able to win without it.”

Solana block time is 400 milliseconds — a 10% to 20% speed improvement provides benefits to many market participants, including validators, traders, market makers, DEXs, and others throughout the Solana ecosystem. As a result of connecting to Solana BDN, validators are expected to see an increase in the profitability per block via a reduced amount of forks happening.

We are also releasing the Solana Gateway, as a part of the bloXroute BDN. The Gateway is software that acts as the entry point to the Solana BDN. The Gateway can be installed via a Docker container on your Solana blockchain node.

As for our next steps, the BDN release will allow us to come up with new features like Solana Trader API and improved RPC nodes which we will announce shortly.

Are you running Solana nodes and are interested in knowing how bloXroute’s Solana BDN can benefit your project? Please contact or

Curtis Plot Mak

Chief Business Officer

Email: curtis.mak [@]

Justin Khalayleh

Business Development Manager

Email: justin.khalayleh [@]

About bloXroute

bloXroute Labs is a leading blockchain software company. We’re on a mission to bring transactions and data transmission on blockchain to the next level. bloXroute’s proprietary Blockchain Distribution Network (BDN) offers unmatched speed advantage to competitive DeFi traders and infrastructure performance improvements to DeFi service providers and projects. Over 300 trading firms run DeFi trade strategies on bloXroute’s BDN to get faster data and identify more trade opportunities combined with faster transaction propagation on the blockchain. On an average day, bloXroute users send $1.5 Billion+ transactions in value on its BDN.

The company was founded in 2018 and is headquartered in Evanston, IL. Investors include SoftBank, Pantera Capital, Dragonfly Capital, Flybridge Capital, Coinbase Ventures, 1confirmation, Lightspeed Venture, and Alameda Ventures.



bloXroute Team

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